
Top tips to make her crazy for you (Do This TODAY!)

Most guys find out that even when they’re pretty good at talking to girls, a  few missing ingredients that either leave a girl bored, or uninterested. But don’t worry! Because today we’re showing how you can up the ante and get girls to fall head over  heels crazy for you. And that’s not all! Because we want to be sure you make an impression that instantly gets a girl longing for more, We’re also telling you the one thing that makes guys look 100%, grade A, boring. So sit tight. Let’s get into it. 10. Enjoy Her Unusual Traits It’s no secret… Girls love compliments. But you don’t have to go over the top about it. By constantly telling her how good she looks or how gorgeous her hair is... Your words actually lose value. Think about it, in the marketplace of compliments, Yours can become a dime a dozen if you’re  not careful. You want your compliment to hit her like a flirtation brick to the face... And a compliment has a MUCH stronger effect when it is sincere, and more importantly,  une